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- Fyrir lið/hópa, m.a.:

Hægt er að fá fyrirlestra fyrir íþróttalið og hópa til að hámarka frammistöðu og vellíðan. Efni fyrirlestranna er ákveðið fyrir hvert lið í samvinnu við þjálfara og íþróttafólk, en dæmi um umfjöllunarefni eru:

  • Hugrænn styrkur

  • Spennustjórnun

  • Einbeitingarstjórnun

  • Markmiðasetning

  • Ímyndunarþjálfun

  • Sjálfstal

  • Samskipti innan liðs

  • Andlegur undirbúningur fyrir keppni

  • Hvatning (motivation)

  • Þjálfun barna út frá sálfræðilegum þáttum

The mind can be as important, if not more important, than any other part of the body.

- Gary Neville, fótbolti

Your mind is what makes everything else work.

- Kareem Abul Jabbar, körfubolti

Concentration is a fine antidote to anxiety.

- Jack Nicklaus, golf

Mental will is a muscle that needs exercise, just like muscles of the body.

- Lynn Jennings, langhlaupari

The ideal attitude is to be physically loose and mentally tight.

- Arthur Ashe, tennis

Football is a game you play with your brain.

- Johan Cruyff, fótbolti



Golf is played between the ears and if you're not 100% focused, people will go past you no matter who you are

- Lee Westwood, golf

If I know I'm mentally prepared nothing else matters

- Michael Phelps, sund

For me, motivation is a person who has the capability to recruit the resources he needs to achieve a goal

- Arsene Wenger, fótbolti

I was taught by my coach to use visualization from a very early age. It's amazing.

- Michael Phelps, sund 

You don't win tournaments by playing well and thinking poorly

- Lee Westwood, golf


Those who become great want to learn because they don‘t know yet

– Coach K, körfubolti



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