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Íþróttasálfræði er vísindagrein sem rannsakar og vinnur með hegðun fólks í íþróttaaðstæðum. Greinin skiptist í raun í...

Flestir eru sammála um mikilvægi hugrænna þátta í frammistöðu og þess vegna er markviss íþróttasálfræðiþjálfun orðin hluti af þjálfunaraðferðum afreksíþróttafólks.

Í hugarþjálfun er markvisst unnið með sálræna þætti til að bæta frammistöðu íþróttafólks.

Hallur Hallsson íþróttasálfræði hugarþjálfun

Hallur Hallsson útskrifaðist með MS gráðu í íþróttasálfræði frá Miami University, OH, undir handleiðslu Dr. Robert S. Weinberg (annar höfunda Foundations of Sport...

The mind can be as important, if not more important, than any other part of the body.

- Gary Neville, fótbolti

Your mind is what makes everything else work.

- Kareem Abul Jabbar, körfubolti

Concentration is a fine antidote to anxiety.

- Jack Nicklaus, golf

Mental will is a muscle that needs exercise, just like muscles of the body.

- Lynn Jennings, langhlaupari

The ideal attitude is to be physically loose and mentally tight.

- Arthur Ashe, tennis

Football is a game you play with your brain.

- Johan Cruyff, fótbolti



Golf is played between the ears and if you're not 100% focused, people will go past you no matter who you are

- Lee Westwood, golf

If I know I'm mentally prepared nothing else matters

- Michael Phelps, sund

For me, motivation is a person who has the capability to recruit the resources he needs to achieve a goal

- Arsene Wenger, fótbolti

I was taught by my coach to use visualization from a very early age. It's amazing.

- Michael Phelps, sund 

You don't win tournaments by playing well and thinking poorly

- Lee Westwood, golf


Those who become great want to learn because they don‘t know yet

– Coach K, körfubolti



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